Tuesday, November 5, 2013

HPSSSB to recruit 778 TGTs, shashtri teachers through written test

HPSSSB to recruit 778 TGTs, shashtri teachers through written test

Himachal Pradesh TET |Teachers Eligibility Test|Compulsory Education Act | RIght To Education Act | HPTET

The HP state subordinate service selection board has decided to recruit trained graduate teachers (TGTs medical and non-medical both), and shashtri teachers through a written test following which the interviews would be held.

A spokesman on Tuesday said that there would be 361 posts of shashtri teachers and 417 of trained graduate teachers.

Those eligible can apply online on or before November 28, 2013. However, the closing date for candidates of far-flung areas would be December 13, 2013. Candidates have to qualify the teacher eligibility test (TET) to apply for the above posts. All those applying are exempted from the application fee and would be selected based on their performance in the written examination.

Candidates who wish to apply have to download the application form from the official website of the HPSSSB at www.himachal.nic.in. The application downloaded should be filled by the candidate with required details and should submit the same without errors. On successful submission, candidates have to note the unique registration number generated through the system. Candidates should also possess a passport size photo and all other related certificates to ensure their eligibility  for the post.

They should also take a print out of the confirmation page, which would be available on successful submission of the application form.

A printout of the application has to be attached with a passport size photo and other valid documents of the applicant and must be sent to the secretary, HP Subordinate Services Selection Board, Hamirpur.

The HP state subordinate service selection board has decided to recruit trained graduate teachers (TGTs medical and non-medical both), and shashtri teachers through a written test following which the interviews would be held.

A spokesman on Tuesday said that there would be 361 posts of shashtri teachers and 417 of trained graduate teachers.

Those eligible can apply online on or before November 28, 2013. However, the closing date for candidates of far-flung areas would be December 13, 2013. Candidates have to qualify the teacher eligibility test (TET) to apply for the above posts. All those applying are exempted from the application fee and would be selected based on their performance in the written examination.

Candidates who wish to apply have to download the application form from the official website of the HPSSSB at www.himachal.nic.in. The application downloaded should be filled by the candidate with required details and should submit the same without errors. On successful submission, candidates have to note the unique registration number generated through the system. Candidates should also possess a passport size photo and all other related certificates to ensure their eligibility  for the post.

They should also take a print out of the confirmation page, which would be available on successful submission of the application form.

A printout of the application has to be attached with a passport size photo and other valid documents of the applicant and must be sent to the secretary, HP Subordinate Services Selection Board, Hamirpur.

News Source / Sabhaar : HT Correspondent, Hindustan Times  Hamirpur, November 05, 2013
First Published: 17:19 IST(5/11/2013) | Last Updated: 17:21 IST(5/11/2013)


At some places we see TET is compulsory for TGT Teachers, 
As in DSSSB, KVS TGT selection process TET qualification is required.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

HPTET : CM asks JBT teachers to appear for TET

HPTET : CM asks JBT teachers to appear for TET

इलाहबाद हाई कोर्ट के निर्णय की गूँज हिमाचल प्रदेश में  -

As per Allahabad Highcourt judgement , HP CM asked JBT Teacher to appear in TET Exam -

See News -
Himachal Pradesh chief minister Virbhadra Singh reportedly asked the education department to allow the junior basic trained (JBT) teachers of the 2011-13 batch to appear in the teacher eligibility test (TET) in view of a recent judgment of the Allahabad high court.

This was stated by Vijay Kumar Heer, the state president of Himachal Kranti Manch here on Wednesday. Heer said he had taken up the issue with the chief minister and, accordingly, the CM gave the direction to the education department. He demanded from the education department to give decision with immediate effect. Heer said the high court had allowed a number of NCTE candidates to appear in the TET in Utter Pradesh.

The TET would be held on August 11 and a final announcement in the wake of the recent order of the chief minister was expected before that.

News Sabhaar : hindustantimes.com (7.8.13)

Saturday, March 2, 2013

HPTET : सरकार ने रखी शर्त, हजारों टीचर्स को भी देनी होगी 'परीक्षा' 

HPTET : सरकार ने रखी शर्त, हजारों टीचर्स को भी देनी होगी 'परीक्षा'

शिमला। प्रदेश के विभिन्न स्कूलों में सेवाएं दे रहे 3482 प्राथमिक सहायक अध्यापकों (पैट) के नियमितिकरण पर तलवार लटक गई है। नए भर्ती-पदोन्नति नियमों के अनुसार अब इन्हें टीचर्स एलिजीबिलिटी टेस्ट (टीईटी) पास करना होगा। इन्हें प्रशिक्षण देने का काम पूरा हो चुका है। 

प्रारंभिक शिक्षा विभाग के निदेशक एचआर शर्मा के अनुसार आरटीई एक्ट के अनुसार टीईटी परीक्षा पास करना जरूरी है। यह शर्त पैट पर भी लागू होगी। केंद्रीय कानून होने के कारण प्रदेश स्तर पर इसमें संशोधन नहीं किया जा सकता। यदि केंद्रीय मंत्रालय नियमों में छूट दे, तो पैट शिक्षकों को राहत मिल सकती है।

इसी माह पूरा किया था 52 दिन का प्रशिक्षण

सरकार ने पैट शिक्षकों को 52 दिन का प्रशिक्षण दिया है। यह प्रशिक्षण इसी माह पूरा हुआ है। इससे पैट शिक्षकों को जेबीटी के पद पर तैनाती दी जा सकती है। हालांकि, नए नियमों के शिक्षकों को अब टीईटी परीक्षा को पास करना होगा।

आरटीई एक्ट से परेशानी

आरटीई एक्ट के अमल में आने से अब शिक्षकों को टीईटी परीक्षा पास करनी होगी। यह परीक्षा पैट शिक्षकों को भी देनी होगी। पैट को इससे तभी छूट मिल सकती है, जब प्रदेश सरकार इस मामले को केंद्रीय मंत्रालय से छूट दिलाए।

शिक्षक संघ नाराज, महाधिवेशन में उठाया जाएगा मुद्दा

हिमाचल प्रदेश प्राथमिक सहायक संघ के अध्यक्ष सुनील चौहान के अनुसार शिक्षक 52 दिन की ट्रेनिंग पूरी कर चुके हैं। पूर्व सरकार ने 1400 शिक्षकों को तो नियमित किया था, लेकिन कांग्रेस शासनकाल में लगे 3482 शिक्षकों को इससे अलग रखा गया। जब उनकी भर्ती हुई थी, तो उस समय आरएंडपी रूल अलग थे। ऐसे में उन पर टीईटी की शर्त लागू नहीं होती। मुख्यमंत्री वीरभद्र सिंह ने उनको नियमित करने का आश्वासन दिया है, जिसके लिए संघ जल्द महाधिवेशन का आयोजन करेगा

News Source : भास्कर न्यूज ( Mar 02, 2013, 05:11AM IST)
After all to make quality in Teachers, Himachal Govt. make TET Qualifications mandatory to get PROMOTION.

However many employee may oppose it due to the fact that their collegues / seniors etc. gets promotion on the basis of seniority. Then why such examination is for them only.And it is new rule for them etc. etc.

Earlier TET is mandatory to become teacher, now a new trend comes to make quality in Education.

I think TET concept comes after success of UGC NET concept.

Recently many organizations make common examination all over India like IBPS implemented - CWE (Common Written Examination ) for Officers and Clerks.

Almost all PSU (HPCL, NTPC, ONGC, SAIL etc.) using GATE Aptitude Examination for screening of Candidates. This examination gives equal chance to all candidates to perform on same platform.

DRDO uses SET ( Scientist Entrance Test). SET exam is designed by IITs in India.

For engineering also, a new concept is coined recently like a common examination which covers IIT and all other engineering colleges. Before this IITs conducts separate exams, CBSE conducts AIEEE and states in India conducts their separate exams. This new concept opposed by IIT Kanpur with a fact that UP Board candidates gets less marks comparing to other Boards. And after this a scaling system adopts to make equality in different Boards.

Therefore India is going slowly in new dimensions of Common Examination system for officers/employees/and other entrances.